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Natural History Collections

Natural history collections and specimen-based field work are the bedrock of my scientific career. As an avian systematist, my research depends on the collection and curation of scientific specimens. â€‹I support natural history collections through various activities:

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Contributing to collections via specimen preparation. Here, I finish a specimen of a Cassin's Auklet at the San Diego Natural History Museum that I found on a beach in San Diego with my family. 


Educating the public on the importance of collections. 

I routinely participated in the Museumof Southwestern Biology's outreach events to engage the local public on why collections matter and how they are used by the scientific community. 


Collecting occurrence data and doing biodiversity surveys in the field. I publish natural history observations on breeding biology, behavior, and abundance in tandem with my fieldwork.

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Engaging with decision makers to support infrastructure. 

In January 2020, a team of UNM biology graduate students and I lobbied the New Mexico Legislature for ~$200,000 to complete renovations on UNM's Natural History Science Center. 

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You can email me at jmmccullough [at]

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